
Abrima Erwiah

Abrima Erwiah is the co-founder and creative director of Studio One Eighty Nine, a highly acclaimed eco conscious fashion label that she launched in 2012 with actress and activist Rosario Dawson.  The brand aims to use fashion as a agent for social change by promoting and curating African inspired content.  Abrima has over 16 years fashion and luxury experience working for the likes of Bottega Veneta and Hermes.


Abrima Erwiah is the co-founder and creative director of Studio One Eighty Nine, a highly acclaimed eco conscious fashion label she launched with actress and activist Rosario Dawson.  The brand aims to use fashion as a agent for social change by promoting and curating African inspired content.  Abrima has over 16 year fashion and luxury experience working for the likes of Bottega Veneta and Hermes.

Q: Where is home?

A: Home is wherever my friends and family are. I move around alot so I feel at home in a lot of places. But my real two homes are in Accra and New York City!

Q: Mantra you live by

A: Study, learn from those that have come before you, learn from those that are there now, stay grounded, build a plan, and then let it go and let the universe do it's thing. You have to Listen to the universe and have faith.

Q: How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

A: Driven, Passionate, Visionary, Compassionate, Loving, Astute

Q: Favorite song of all time?

A: Man in the mirror by Michael Jackson

Q: Complete the sentence: I got my big break when…

A: I got a job at Bottega Veneta.

Q: Last album you listened to?

A: Tekno by Pana

Q: A woman you admire?

A: Rosario Dawson, my mother Betty Sims, my aunt Naomi Sims, Michelle Obama, Lisa Opoku [who works at] Goldman Sachs, Lisa Pomerantz [who works at] Bottega Veneta, Francesca Bellettini [who works at] YSL and on and on.

Q: ‘Other’ is about loving what makes you different. It’s about being yourself. What’s ‘other’ about you?

A: My interest in going where people won’t go, in trying to build where people won’t build, in seeing potential in everything and everyone... I believe in the impossible and I try my best to make the impossible, possible. It's a gift and a curse.

Q: Best advice you’ve ever been given?

A: The journey is the destination, Murphy's Law, Listen to the Universe, Have faith.

Q: One thing not many people know about you?

A: I was in a Lauryn Hill Video and a Rupaul video.

Q: Your advice to an emerging maker?

A: Collaborate with people that are creating and doing. No need to start from scratch. Build with other builders so the community can rise. If one of us wins, we all win.